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Person cycling in time trial position with greenery in background
Photo By Finisherpix


  • I believe that training boils down to consistency, and simplicity is the key to achieving that. My coaching approach relies heavily on RPE (rate of perceived exertion) in training, creating managable but challenging training plans, and aiming for a consistent approach across a whole training block

  • A successful triathlon coach is collaboration with each athlete. Ultimately every athlete should feel like they are in the drivers seat and that a coach is there to provide support, guidance, opinion and information. Effective collaboration hinges on regular, transparent communication between coach and athlete.

  • As a triathlon coach, I believe it is my job to share the thought process and reasoning behind every training plan.  My ultimate goal is to ensure that every athlete I work with gains a deeper understanding of triathlon and the principles shaping our training program. Knowledge equips athletes to make informed race day decisions, boost their confidence in their preperation and can enhance their overall journey in the sport.

  • Triathlon is inherently about pushing yourself to do a hard thing. While It is both physically and mentally challenging, it should always be rewarding. I am a big proponent of including your family/people you care about in your triathlon experiences, engaging with your triathlon community in any capacity that you feel comfortable, and most importantly experiencing joy in the process. 

Popular Races

You're Probably Wondering

  • Is a local triathlon club a better fit?
    If you're starting from scratch with the technical skills involved in swimming or cycling, or your primary motivation is the social aspect of sport and simply being active, it's advisable to train with a local coach or club who can offer hands-on guidance and tips. If you're an athlete seeking a customized training plan that integrates your goals with existing social activities such as run clubs or masters swim sessions, those can seamlessly be included in online coaching.
  • Can I be coached if I am in a different time zone
    Yes! Written communication is independent of time zone (email, training peaks comments etc). For video or phone coaching calls, workout hours are flexible to ensure that every athlete is supported, regardless of time zone.
  • Will you explain the "why" behind the workout(s) and training structure?
    Yes! Effective coaching involves clear communication and education. When athletes understand the goals and purposes of each session or training block, they are better equipped to make informed decisions on race day and feel more confident in their preparation and training schedule.
  • What distances do you coach?
    In short, I coach triathletes. This includes everyone from supersprint/tri-a-try distance all the way up to full distance.
  • Do you help with race day preperation and strategy?
    Yes! Race day prep includes tailoring a training regime to a specific course (terrain, temperature etc) and consults on race day strategies for each athlete.
  • What equipment or gear do I need for triathlon coaching?
    Athletes will need the following triathlon essentials: Swim: swimsuit, goggles Bike: Helmet, bike Run: Running shoes Waterbottle(s) Stopwatch
Person running down a cobbled road

Level 2 Triathlon Coaching:

Cost: $275 USD/Month ($50 setup fee waived) 

$250 USD/month (after 6 months) or one time annual payment of $2750 USD


What's Included: 

  • Training Peaks Premium Account

  • Initial (virtual) meeting to discuss goals, strengths, and challenges

  • Workout schedule provided on a weekly basis

  • Personalized ongoing feedback and review of key workouts

  • Overall season planning and race schedule consultation as needed 

  • Analysis of race results

  • Review of race course(s) with event specific strategies implemented in training

  • Priority email communication (response within 24-48 hours*) 

  • Changes within workout cycle based on your work/fatigue/life commitments etc. 

  • Detailed description of workouts with information on goals and benefits. 

  • Ongoing review of key workouts

  • Virtual planning and goal setting consultation for every race 

Perfect for: Athletes who want a more comprehensive training partnership. 


*One week notice will be provided if response time exceeds window


Level 1 Triathlon Coaching:

Cost: $150 USD/Month + One time set up fee of $50 USD
$135 USD/month (after 6 months) or annual payment of $1500 USD


What's Included: 

  • Training Peaks Premium Account

  • Initial (virtual) meeting to discuss goals, strengths, and challenges

  • Workouts Provided in 4 week blocks based on your schedule*

  • Personalized feedback email after each monthly block 

  • Optional virtual meeting quarterly to discuss season and race planning

  • Analysis of up to two races/year

  • Event specific tips for up to two races per year 

  • Email Communication with a non-urgent (36-72 hour**) response time.  

Perfect for: Athletes who loves autonomy but want a coach to provide a workout schedule and occasional consultation. 

*No structured changes to the schedule after the 1st of each month. Each monthly workout schedule will accomodate work/life commitments. 

**One week notice will be provided if response time exceeds window


Getting Started

Step 1: Compimentary 15-20 minute virtual call to see if we are the right fit

Step 2: Fill Out The Athlete Questionnare and determine which coaching package you are interested in. 
Step 3: The initial consult (this is where we discuss the questionnare and prepare your first training block.) 
Step 4: The training plan: Receive your first block of training in Training Peaks and/or other software that can be discussed during the initial consult. 
Step 5: Review, Edit, Repeat! Your plan will always be fluid and adapt to you! This means that I will consistently be reviewing your plan and updating it based on your triathlon goals, how your fitness is progressing, what phase of training you are in, and other life factors. 

Multisport Coaching

Empowering athletes of all abilities to reach their goals through triathlon guides, education and 1:1 personal online coaching. 

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